I created Space Typer a few weeks ago while playing around with Canvas. Most of my experience with Canvas has come through using KineticJS, which really does a lot of great things for you if you’re drawing and animating shapes. Once I get around to making my first PhoneGap app I definitely want to try to incorporate KineticJS.
On to Space Typer, a framework-free, HTML5 canvas game wherein users control a small spaceship and attempt to fend off the onslaught of common nouns. I’m still thinking about building something more interesting using impact.js or box2D, but the goal here was to build something relatively simple without any frameworks.
I started working on a node.js and socket.io 2-player version this weekend, but ran into a few issues with the clients ending up out of sync. Hopefully I can have it and up and running in the not-too-distant future.